Groupes de travail


Les GROUPES DE TRAVAIL sont au cœur du GRIP à Concordia. Ces groupes, collectifs, réseaux, projets et campagnes organisent, dans la communauté montréalaise et ailleurs, des initiatives axées sur un large éventail d’enjeux en lien direct avec la justice sociale et environnementale.

Ensemble, les groupes de travail du GRIP à Concordia échangent des savoirs et des compétences, font de l’art et de l’éducation populaires, organisent des événements et des manifestations, offrent directement leur soutien et leur solidarité, et publient des analyses et des travaux de recherche alternatifs. Plus généralement, ils enrichissent, encouragent et cultivent la résistance de manières diverses et créatives. Lisez ce qui suit pour en savoir plus sur les groupes de travail de cette année.

Nos groupes de travail pour l’année 2021-2022 :

(Descriptions et coordonnées ci-dessous.)

Artemisia Mutual Aid Collective

The Artemisia Mutual Aid Collective is an alliance of community herbalists, medicine makers, gardeners, and activists living and working on the unceded lands of the Kanien’keha:ka and Omamiwininiwag Nations (Montréal and western Québec). Our goal is to provide support in the form of herbal medicine, knowledge sharing, and herbal consultations to communities and individuals made vulnerable by systemic oppression.

Beyond Equity

Beyond Equity is an initiative that has arisen in response to forms of racialized and other intersecting violences that persist in radical, socially conscious spaces in light of efforts for diversity and inclusion. Our aim as a collective is to develop resources for addressing tokenism, create networks of care and community care strategies, alongside collecting
testimonies across our communities.

Black Healing Fund

Black Healing Fund is a growing, volunteer-run initiative that exists to provide low-income Black folks in the Tio’tia:ke / Montreal area with discretionary funding and resources that contribute to mental health and wellness.

Black and Indigenous Harm Reduction Alliance (BIHRA)

BIHRA is a grassroots collective that organizes around issues of health & harm reduction for Indigenous & Black people in Tio’tia:ke, with a special focus on the needs and experiences of drug users, incarcerated people, sex workers, and 2SLGBTQIA. Through peer-to-peer outreach, advocacy, and mutual aid, we work to build kinship, empowerment, and holistic well-being in our communities.

Building Community

Building Community is a citizens’ education project of the Milton-Parc Citizens’ Committee (CCMP). We seek to encourage community development through popular education and social action rooted in ecological and democratic principles. Throughout the year, we host workshops, guided tours, screenings, and lectures on the social economy, climate change, cooperative housing, and more, and support campaigns on a variety of community issues including protecting green spaces and building social housing.


Caring for Social Justice

Le collectif Soignons la justice sociale vise un accès aux soins de santé digne pour tou-tes. Par la mobilisation, l’éducation populaire et la diffusion d’informations, entre autres, nous militons pour un système de soins fondé sur une vision solidaire et communautaire de la santé ancrée dans une perspective de justice sociale.

The Certain Days Political Prisoner Calendar Committee

The Certain Days Political Prisoner Calendar Committee works to support, educate about and fundraise for political prisoners through the production of a yearly calendar. The calendar is a project produced by organizers in Montreal,Toronto and New York City, with the support of 3 political prisoners in New York State. We work with an anti-imperialist, anti-racist, feminist, queer- and trans-liberationist perspective to help free our movement’s political prisoners.


Childcare Collective

The Childcare Collective offers strategic childcare in response to the fact that childcare is frequently overlooked and underappreciated. We aim to assist parents, caregivers, youth and children, including but not limited to low-income communities, non-status and immigrant communities, communities of colour, and queer and trans communities.


Circles is a discussion group for black people to discuss among themselves about issues that they face inside of their communities but don’t find enough spaces to address these issues deeply. The conversations will be filmed in order to use it as an education tool. Conversations will be filmed and recorded with the consent of the participants. These discussions have the intent to build community outside of moments of reactions due to antiblackness incidents happening in Montreal and Quebec.

Collectif Monsoon

Collectif Monsoon’s vision is to create and build a community meeting space for LGBTQIA2S+ women and non-binary people in Montreal. There has been a lack of dedicated permanent spaces for queer women and GNC folks for far too long. We aim to change that by working towards curating a safe, uplifting and thriving sustainable community hub.


Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière

Le Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP) est un collectif autonome qui regroupe des personnes victimes, témoins et/ou concernés par la brutalité policière et tout abus perpétré par la police. Le COBP a pour but non seulement de dénoncer les harcèlements, violences, intimidation, arrestations et abus de pouvoirs policiers et d’informer les gens sur leurs droits face à la police, mais aussi de soutenir les victimes en les aidant par exemple à porter plainte en déontologie et autres recours à faire face à des accusations abusives.


Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC)

The Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) is a coordination space for the radical anticapitalist community in Montreal. The CLAC’s mandate is to distributed anticapitalist information through the organization of campaigns and protests, including the annual anticapitalist MayDay protest. The CLAC is explicitly an anticapitalist, antipatriarchal, anti authoritarian and anticolonialist space.

Équipe Sonore / Soundteam

Équipe Sonore/Soundteam provides sound services for Montreal area community groups that cannot afford to pay professional rates. We build, maintain and operate P.A. systems for community events, rallies, conferences and performances. We also strive to distribute and share the technical knowledge of audio production systems. Our purpose is to support people’s grassroots initiatives and act in the interests of communities and their struggles for economic and political justice.

Food Against Fascism

Food Against Fascism is a food security project run by a collective of antiracists and antifascists. We distribute home cooked, healthy meals to people in need, as well as offer solidarity servings to like-minded organizations and collectives. If you want to volunteer with us, or if you want us to cook for your event, contact

Game Workers Unite Montreal

GWU Montréal is the Montréal chapter of Game Workers Unite, an international grassroots movement and organization that seeks to connect pro-union activists, exploited workers, and allies in the name of building a unionized game industry. We aim to achieve better working conditions, recognition, and mutual support for Montréal’s game workers.

India Civil Watch – Montreal

India Civil Watch – Montreal is a group of non-partisan concerned citizens in Montreal who act in solidarity with activists/movements/citizens in India fighting against the far-right Hindutva government and for a secular country free of poverty, casteism, the suppression of indigenous people’s rights, and other social injustices. It also acts in solidarity with the various oppressed groups, and works to combat the spread and rise of far-right, fascist, Hindutva ideology here in Canada, and connects the fight against Hindutva ideology with the fight against fascism in Canada and globally. We also work with the South-Asian diasporic community in Montreal on various issues including housing, labour and other migration-related cases.

Kapatid Mentorship Program (KaMP)

Our mission is to provide alternative and culturally responsive education to the youth in Greater Montreal Area and our vision is to empower and inspire Filipino-Canadian youth to be fully participatory in social transformation in the Greater Montreal Area and in the homeland, the Philippines.

La Grange Farm Collective

La Grange Farm Collective is a group of Montreal and Laval residents who like to play in the dirt. Working on, restoring, and maintaining a piece of land located near Terrebonne in Laval (accessible via STM), the group aims to create a space where people can come together to share DIY farming skills and the joys of beyond organic, local food and medicine.

La Mandragore, bibliothèque féministe queer

La Mandragore est une bibliothèque féministe queer située à
Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. Avec plus de 300 titres queer et féministes qui ne reproduisent pas les stéréotypes sexistes et qui proposent des alternatives aux constructions binaires du genre. Nous organisons des ateliers et des événements gratuits dans une perspective anticoloniale, antiraciste et anticapitaliste.

Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Collective

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, brings together anarchist ideas and practice, through words, images, music, theatre, and day-to-day struggles for justice, dignity, and collective liberation. The Bookfair is as much for people who don’t necessarily consider themselves anarchists, but are curious about anarchism, as they are spaces for anarchists to meet, network, and share in a spirit of respect and solidarity. All are welcome!

Open Door Books

Open Door Books (ODB) is part of an informal network of Books to Prisoners programs throughout North America. ODB seeks to support and work in solidarity with imprisoned people. We believe that prisons and the (in)justice system act as institutions of social control and oppression, further targeting marginalized people as a result of patriarchy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, ableism, and colonialism.

514 848 7585

Pride Therapy Network

The Pride Therapy Network of Montreal is a collective of independent mental health practitioners who strive to offer culturally informed and accessible services to LGBTQ2IA+ communities. Members of our network are committed to working from anti-oppressive, holistic and intersectional approaches that affirm LGBTQ2IA+ lived experiences, relationships and identities.

Prisoner Correspondence Project

The Prisoner Correspondence Project is a solidarity project for gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, bisexual and queer prisoners in Canada and the United States, linking them with people a part of these same communities outside of prison.

Projet Lichen Project

Research, advocacy and support for queer & trans survivors of CSA (childhood sexual abuse)
Recherche, sensibilisation et soutien pour queer & trans d’ASE (abus sexuels dans l’enfance)


Queer Between the Covers

Since 2008, the Queer Between the Covers collective has been organizing the Queer Book & Zine Fair in Tio’tia:ke (so-called Montreal) and making queer literature more accessible in the area.

Queer Survival Project / Projet de survie queer

Le Queer Survival Project offre des sorties de survie en forêt destinées aux personnes non-hommes cis qui n’ont pas d’accès à la nature. À travers des ateliers d’interprétation, de reconnaissance géographique, de mécanique, de cueillette et plus, les participant‧e‧s sont invité‧e‧s à explorer leurs liens intimes et collectifs avec la nature dans une perspective anticapitaliste, décoloniale et horizontale.


Re-Con is a prisoner-initiated re-integration program created in 1999. The group is made up of people serving a life sentence at one of two federal prisons in Laval, formerly incarcerated members now serving
their sentence on parole, and outside volunteers. It is Re-Con’s main goal to establish links between prisoners and the community after a long period of incarceration and isolation. We aim to diminish the effects of institutionalization through personal development workshops and by introducing our incarcerated members to community resources which may help re-integration into society upon release from prison.

Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective

Sidetracks is a collective of activists and artists working within an anti-oppression framework toward social and economic transformation. We share skills and resources to create art in the spirit of self-representation and revolution while making screenprinting accessible to groups working towards social change and transformation – namely those working within an anti-racist & 2sLGBTQIA+ inclusive framework – and offering an affordable space for emerging artists to develop their artistic practice.

Solidarity Across Borders

Solidarity Across Borders is a migrant justice network based in Montreal, active since 2003. We are comprised of migrants and supporters, and we organize together to support individuals and families who are confronting an unjust immigration and refugee system. We engage in popular education, support work, as well as political mobilizations, including demonstrations, pickets, delegations, and direct actions.

Our main demands are an end to deportations, detentions and double
punishment, and support for a full, comprehensive and ongoing regularization program (ie. Status for All!). We also actively campaign to build a Solidarity City, the creation of a community that rejects a system that engenders poverty and anguish, not solely for immigrants and refugees, but also for other Montrealers confronting these same realities.

We support open borders and the free movement of people seeking justice and dignity, meaning freedom to move, freedom to return, and the freedom to stay.


Taking What We Need

Taking What We Need is an informal collective organizing to fight for the lives of our sisters and ourselves. We acknowledge and abhor the reality that many transfeminine people face on a daily basis, falling at the intersections of poverty, racism, misogyny, social isolation, and colonial violence. Taking What We Need’s primary mission is to empower our sisters through discretionary funding and build solidarity within our community by collectively resisting transmisogyny.

Tapettes en feu

Tapettes en feu est un collectif qui veut (1) Documenter les formes de « policing » hétérocissexiste, (2) diffuser au public les informations récoltés en lien avec les formes de policing hétérocissexiste, (3) se mobiliser légalement contre les formes de policing hétérocissexiste et (4) venir en aide aux survivant·e·s de violences policières hétérocissexistes.