SCHOOL SCHMOOL: activist day planner

SCHOOL SCHMOOL is the name of the activist day planner for students at Concordia, McGill and the wider Montreal community. SCHOOL SCHMOOL includes engaging articles, resources and practical tools for students and non-students alike to participate in social and environmental justice activism, as well as a useful day planner to organize busy academic and activist schedules. SCHOOL SCHMOOL is a joint project of the Quebec Public Interest Research Groups (QPIRG) at McGill and Concordia.

This year’s SCHOOL SCHMOOL includes three main sections:
i) THE ISSUES: to educate and inspire us
ii) THE GROUPS: to help us get involved in the community
iii) THE AGENDA: to keep us organized and on top of things

There is very beautiful original artwork throughout the publication. This year there is also an expanded website ( We hope that this ad-free, anti-corporate organizer will be useful whether you are a new student, a seasoned veteran of rad activism, or just curious.

SCHOOL SCHMOOL is still available at either QPIRG McGill or QPIRG Concordia during our office hours:

3647 University, 3rd floor
(McGill metro)
Office hours: Monday-Friday 11am-5pm
contact: 514-398-7432 or

QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
(Guy-Concordia metro)
space is wheelchair accessible
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 12pm-6pm
contact: 514-848-7585 or


Concordia: People’s Potato, Cinema Politica, Le Frigo Vert, 2110 Centre, Fine Arts Reading Room, Concordia Solidarity Coop Bookstore, Concordia Greenhouse

McGill: Midnight Kitchen, Flat Collective, SACOMSS, Queer McGill, Union for Gender Empowerment

Off-Campus: Head & Hands, Ste-Emilie Skillshare, La Belle Époque, Cagibi, Café Co-op Touski & more.


From the introduction of this year’s SCHOOL SCHMOOL:

Why The Apocalypse Edition?

School Schmool is your radical guide to your often unradical school. University can be more than an ivory tower, and this agenda highlights exciting ways to bridge the gap between academia and issues outside the classroom.

School Schmool dates back to 1994. It began as a bi-annual publication that brought together group profiles, articles, and practical resources of use to all students, especially those interested in environmental and social justice issues. It was resurrected as an agenda and resource book in the summer of 2006, and has been connecting the McGill, Concordia, and Montréal com- munities ever since.

Montréal has been an especially radical place this past year, situated at the centre of the largest student mobilization in Canadian history, and amidst an economic and social crisis that is spanning the globe.

The coming Apocalypse and the upsurge in grassroots mobilizing, political resistance, and critiques of capitalism in the mainstream is largely due to the fact that the privileged are starting to learn what we queers, people of colour, women, and radicals have known for GENERATIONS – that the current social system sucks, that capitalism is inherently oppressive, and that alternatives are needed.

School Schmool is another tool in our arsenal. With three sections – The Issues to educate and inspire us, The Groups to help us get involved in the community, and The Agenda to keep us organized and on top of things – as well as an expanded website (, we hope that this ad-free, anti-corporate organizer will be useful whether you are a new student, a seasoned veteran of rad activism, or just curious.

We know that it is the present society that is truly dystopian. Its collapse can only mean our liberation, so bring on the Apocalypse!

In solidarity,
School Schmool

For more information, questions & inquiries about SCHOOL SCHMOOL, call QPIRG Concordia (514-848-7585) or QPIRG McGill (514-398-7432) or e-mail us at or
