QPIRG embauche: Library Coordinator / Translation Coordinator (international student work study positions)

QPIRG Concordia is hiring for a Concordia University international student work study position:

* Translation Coordinator, English to French (I-23410-23)

NEW Deadline for Applications: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 at 6pm[:]

To apply:

– Please send a CV, cover letter and indication of your work study eligibility to hiring@qpirgconcordia.org. Indicate the job position(s) you are applying for in the subject line.


– Drop off a CV, cover letter and indication of workstudy eligibility at our office during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 12-6pm).

*** Additionally, applicants for the Translation Coordinator position must submit a sample of relevant translation work (French translation with English original text), as well as provide at least one reference to their translation experience. ***

Contract and Eligibility Details: Please note that this position is open to Concordia students approved for International Work Study Positions only (projects beginning with the letter I). For more information about the work-study program, please visit: http://faao.concordia.ca/workstudy/

Duration: October 2012 – April 2013

Employment Equity: QPIRG Concordia recognizes and welcomes the unique contributions that individuals from marginalized and oppressed communities bring to our organization, and invites these individuals to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to QPIRG Concordia in their cover letter or resume. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter that you would like to be considered for Employment Equity. A full copy of the employment equity policy is available upon request.

ABOUT QPIRG CONCORDIA: The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia is a resource centre for student and community research and organizing. We strive to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental issues. Our work is rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice. We seek to make campus-community links and inspire social change through engaging, inclusive and non-hierarchical approaches. For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org

More info about job positions below.

You can contact QPIRG Concordia at (514) 848-7585, email us at hiring@qpirgconcordia.org or visit us at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204 (Monday-Thursday, 12-6pm).


QPIRG Concordia is hiring a Translation Coordinator, English to French

(Project Number: I-23410-23)


The Translation Coordinator will work alongside the staff and volunteers at the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University. This position will concentrate on translating QPIRG’s core documents, publicity and outreach materials, and parts of the website into French.

Knowledge and Skills Required:

– written and spoken English and French

– computer Skills (Excel & Word)

– research

– web design

– experience doing English to French translation

– ability to work independently and with groups

– ability to communicate with people of diverse backgrounds

– proven organizational and time management skills

– access to a computer and Internet access outside of QPIRG office

– ability to take initiative and work independently

– creative problem-solving skills

– knowledge of the local social justice milleu

– commitment to social justice and to QPIRG’s mandate to counter discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, gender, religion, colour, dis/ability, size, and class


– Experience doing translation for social justice and community groups

– Experience with and working knowledge of WordPress and Adobe Photoshop

– Volunteering experience and/or working within a volunteer organization

– Knowledge of other languages, including sign languages


– work alongside the staff and volunteers at the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University.

– translating core documents such as policies

– translating and updating outreach and publicity materials

– translating (and/or updating the translation) of parts of the main QPIRG website as well as other websites that QPIRG hosts.

Student Gains:

– Experience doing written translation

– Database design and maintenance skills

– Experience working in a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization

– Exposure to social justice issues

– Exposure to functions of a non-profit Board of Directors

– Consensus-based decision-making and group facilitation skills

Deadline for Applications:



October 2012 – April 2013


Please contact QPIRG Concordia for details (hiring@qpirgconcordia.org)


– Please send a CV, cover letter and indication of your work study eligibility to hiring@qpirgconcordia.org. Indicate the job position(s) you are applying for in the subject line.


– Drop off a CV, cover letter and indication of workstudy eligibility at our office during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 12-6pm).

*** Additionally, applicants for the Translation Coordinator position must submit a sample of relevant translation work (French translation with English original text), as well as provide at least one reference to their translation experience. ***

NOTE: This position will be selected on the basis of the cover letter, CV, eligibility, translation sample, as well as reference(s).

Contract and Eligibility Details:

Please note that this position is open to Concordia students approved for International Work Study Positions only (projects beginning with the letter -I). For more information about the work-study program, please visit: http://faao.concordia.ca/workstudy/

Employment Equity: QPIRG Concordia recognizes and welcomes the unique contributions that individuals from marginalized and oppressed communities bring to our organization, and invites these individuals to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to QPIRG Concordia in their cover letter or resume. Please indicate clearly in your cover letter that you would like to be considered for Employment Equity. A full copy of the employment equity policy is available upon request.

You can contact QPIRG Concordia at (514) 848-7585, email us at hiring@qpirgconcordia.org or visit us at 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204 (Monday-Thursday, 12-6pm). Please note that only applicants who are short-listed for interviews will be contacted by the hiring committee.

For more information about QPIRG Concordia, visit www.qpirgconcordia.org