SCHOOL SCHMOOL! The ad-free organizer & alternative agenda!

[SCHOOL SCHMOOL, the ad-free, anti-corporate organizer and alternative agenda, is now available at both QPIRG McGill and QPIRG Concordia and other locations. More info below.]

SCHOOL SCHMOOL is an alternative, activist organizer for both McGill and Concordia students, as well as the broader Montreal community. It includes engaging articles, resources and practical tools for both students and non-students alike to participate in social and environmental justice activism, and also serves as a useful day planner to organize your busy activist or academic schedules.

This year’s SCHOOL SCHMOOL includes three main sections:

i) Issues – to educate us and inspire action and resistance
ii) Agenda – to organize our busy lives
iii) Groups & Resources – to help us get involved with the community

This year’s School Schmool includes the following content:

– map of montréal neighbourhoods

– in-depth articles
indigenous sovereignty, or there’s nothing to be “proud”  about, canadians
black lives matter
trans rights & trans lives in montréal
against marriage equality
fight for nothing; some thoughts on queer nihility
map of military reseach at mcgill
the quest for the promised land: how canada and israel perpetuate settler colonialism
a brief history of union organizing in québec
québec’s student movement: people power on campus
temporary recruitment agencies, immigrant labour and labour precarity in montréal
solidarity city statement
prisons in canada

– 101 articles
reads  &  tunes
gentrify this! know your rights
not always an afterthought
introduction to radical mental health
herbal remedies 101
dealing with the police
sexual health: barriers and beyond
de-mystifying anarchism
on race and french language in qc
le racisme et la langue française au qc

– homoscopes

There is beautiful artwork in the agenda and this year, the agenda section and calendars are all hand-drawn by a variety of talented Montreal artists. We hope that this ad-free, corporate-free agenda will be useful to the broader Montreal community whether you are a newcomer to activism, already actively involved, or are just curious!

SCHOOL SCHMOOL is now available at either QPIRG McGill or QPIRG Concordia during our office hours:

3647 University, 3rd floor
(McGill metro)
Office hours: Monday-Friday 11am-5pm
contact: 514-398-7432 or

QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
(Guy-Concordia metro)
space is wheelchair accessible
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 12pm-6pm
contact: 514-848-7585 or

You can also pick up SCHOOL SCHMOOL at other campus and community venues. Updated locations will be listed on our respective websites shortly.

You can get a copy of SCHOOL SCHMOOL by donation ($1-$5 suggested donation).


School Schmool is your radical guide to your often unradical school. University can (and should be) more than an ivory tower, and this agenda highlights exciting ways to bridge the gap between academia and issues outside the classroom.

School Schmool dates back to 1994. It began as a bi-annual publication that brought together group profiles, articles, and practical resources of use to all students, especially those interested in environmental and social justice issues. It was resurrected as an agenda and resource book in the summer of 2006, and has been connecting the McGill, Concordia, and Montréal communities ever since.

The 2015-2016 edition of School Schmool has three sections. ‘The Issues’ this year is divided into 101 and more in-depth articles, which features pieces on a wide variety of topics from an overview of the Black Lives Matter movement to a critique of marriage equality. To keep track of your busy schedule and important dates, we have ‘The Agenda’ section—this year with 13 comics from various artists at the beginning of every month! Finally, if you are looking to plug into some organizing in Montréal, turn to ‘The Groups & Resources’ to read about different local organizations working on various issues. Also included in this section is a resource list  providing key phone numbers and websites to projects and services mentioned in the articles, including abortion resources and a listing of anti-authoritarian, people of colour, and Indigenous spaces in the city.

We hope this ad-free, non-corporate, autonomous guide will inspire you and help you locate the struggles you want to fight for and find support within.