Community Statement: Solidarity with the Quebec Student General Strike


March 26, 2012, Montreal — This week, Quebec students escalate their tactics, building on almost one month of a general strike, and last Thursday’s massive demonstration against the Charest government tuition hikes.
The ongoing strike and Thursday’s historic demonstration are a starting point, not an end, as many student organizers have pointed out. The upcoming week of disruptive actions is especially important.
We are writing to support the Coalition Large de l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante (CLASSE) who have called for a week of economic disruption (now a campaign) to pressure the Charest government to cancel the tuition hikes. We agree that it’s not just through symbolic protests and actions – which are important to build solidarity and support – that the Charest government will capitulate. Rather, they will respond to the sustained and tangible disruption of the Quebec economy.

QPIRG Concordia is hiring: Four Summer Positions (deadline: June 14)

The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia is a resource centre for student and community research and organizing. We strive to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental issues. Our work is rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice. We seek to make campus-community links and inspire social change through engaging, inclusive and non-hierarchical approaches. We are hiring for four summer positions:

QPIRG is hiring a Summer Translation (English to French) Coordinator

We are currently seeking applications for the position of Summer Translation (English to French) Coordinator. This is a grant-based contract position for full-time students (any campus). Please see eligibility requirements below.
The Summer Translation Coordinator will work alongside the staff and volunteers at the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia University. This position will concentrate on translating QPIRG’s core documents, publicity and outreach materials, and parts of the website into French.

QPIRG is hiring an Undergraduate & Community Research Journal Summer Coordinator

We are currently seeking applications for the position of Undergraduate and Research Journal coordinator. This is a grant-based contract position for full-time students (any campus). Please see eligibility requirements below.
“Convergence” is the name of an annual research publication produced jointly by QPIRG Concordia & QPIRG McGill. It includes articles, research, analysis & artwork from community members and undergraduates, highlighting presentations from Study In Action and completed projects from the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE). For more information about Convergence, visit: