School Schmool 2010-2011

School Schmool began in 1994 as a bi-annual publication out of QPIRG-McGill that sought to bring together information, groups, and practical tools of use to all students, but particularly those interested in social justice, equity, and sustainability issues. In the summer of 2006, School Schmool was resurrected as a day planner as well as a socially progressive resource book. The new format constitutes a year-long hands-on guide complete with useful dates (academic and non-academic), current issues, information and resources connecting the McGill, Concordia and Montreal communities and rendering these communities more accessible to students. This is the first year that QPIRG Concordia has officially jumped on board to collaborate on the project.
One goal of School Schmool is to encourage students to engage with and participate in the issues affecting them as members of both academic and non-academic communities in Montreal. In addition to providing resources and information to this effect, anyone is invited to contribute content, artwork, or editing and layout skills to the production and publication of the organizer. The autonomous collective organizes around this mandate and principles of anti-oppression.
Come and pick up your copy of this year’s agenda at QPIRG anytime between noon and 6pm, Monday to Thursday.