Activism for Students 101 (April 7)

THURSDAY, APRIL 7 (2011) @ 1pm – QPIRG Concordia
“I don’t believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have a lot to learn from other people.” – Eduardo Galeano
QPIRG Concordia presents monthly sessions about activism and community involvement for students. These sessions are meant for anyone who is curious or interested in getting more involved in their community, and engaging in social and environmental justice issues. “Activism for Students 101” will include an overview of collectives, groups, organizations, campaigns and projects that people can join or volunteer, as well as answer any questions participants might have about social justice organizing in the Montreal context. We will also discuss QPIRG’s anti-oppression, grassroots organizing framework.
The next workshop will take place THURSDAY, APRIL 7 at 1pm at 1500 de Maisonneuve West, #204 (beside the Guy-Concordia metro). Our space is wheelchair accessible. Welcome to all, students and non-students, community members and people curious about activism. No need to register. The workshop will last approximately 90 minutes.