QPIRG Winter Opt-Out Period: January 17 – 27, 2011

You have the right to opt-out from QPIRG-Concordia. Consider taking the time to learn what you’re opting out of:
– an alternative library with over 1000 titles
– free monthly film screenings
– a weekend-long undergraduate conference on social and environmental justice
– free monthly workshops and skill-shares on topics ranging from web design to fundraising and from anti-racism to ecology.
– a place to hold your group meetings
– a database with more than 50 community research projects for students to do for credit
– a free alternative agenda with information about dozens of important issues and groups in the montreal community and beyond
-over 20 groups and projects focused on issues like prisoner support, independent media, migrant justice, mental health, queer struggles, indigenous solidarity, and more.
In order to opt-out, please come to our office, 1500 de Maisonneuve W., suite 204, during our office hours (Mon – Thu 12pm – 6pm) with your student ID card and student account record.