Wednesday: Basic tech & computer security

Facilitated by Anarchist Tech Support

at QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
Free. No need to register. The QPIRG space is wheelchair accessible.

In the digital age, intelligence gathering is generalized and automatic. Whether or not you are a person of interest to those in positions of power, your emails, instant messenger conversations, search terms, and browsing history are being permanently recorded by the likes of Google, Facebook, Bell, and others. Information held by profit-driven corporations can be accessed by agents of the state at almost any time, either through legal action or (more often) simply by asking. In the context of struggle, it is imperative that we control our information because it can quickly be used against us.
This technical and computer security workshop will be explaining a few hands-on skills, such as how to: anonymize your browsing; encrypt data; encrypt e-mail. We’ll also help you actually do these things after, so bring your laptop, and if you don’t already have one, try and get a secure email address (like as well. Feel free to show up later, since we’ll be in the space ’til 10pm, talking about tech and working on things and so on.
Why is this important? In case you haven’t noticed, the little freedom and autonomy this society affords us is now being withdrawn. Those who aspire to freedom are gonna find themselves in conflict with those forces that want to control everything, and that means we need to start protecting ourselves. One way to do that is to control what information you let the enemy have access to, and how much of it, and when, and where.
Facebook, Google, and security cameras have taken that power away from us. The point of this workshop is to give it back, by making our communities and our lives opaque to the paranoid eagle eyes of bureaucrats and police.
Facilitated by Anarchist Tech Support: Anarchist Tech Support Anarchistes pour des technologies solidaires (ATS) is a solidarity group of QPIRG Concordia whose purpose is to help anarchists and our allies develop safer, more effective, and generally better practices around technology. One of our major objectives is to promote the use of encryption and anonymization, and make that an integral part of a larger security culture. This workshop is part of a series of security culture workshops presented by QPIRG Concordia, which is part of a larger momentum towards resisting state attempts to disrupt and derail radical struggles.