Bring Paola Home! Sign the petition for Paola Ortiz

Bring Paola Home! Sign the petition for Paola Ortiz
A message from Solidarity Across Borders

We need your support to help Paola Ortiz return to Canadian soil. She was deported on September 23rd of this year, and forced to leave her two young children, ages 2 and 4 years old, behind for their protection and to ensure their access to health services that their medical condition requires.  For months now, she has been living in hiding in Mexico in fear of her ex, a state police officer for the state of Mexico, enduring anguish caused by the separation from her family.
Please sign the petition to demand that Paola be allowed to return home to her children:
Please spread this message in your networks.
For more info:
Thanks for your support!
The Solidarity Across Borders support committee for Paola Ortiz
(to contact us:
Solidarity Across Borders is a working group of QPIRG Concordia.