Special Holiday Event: An Insider’s View of OCCUPY WALL STREET

Building grassroots anarchist resistance to capitalist austerity
An Insider’s View of OCCUPY WALL STREET
with New York City participants & organizers: Marisa Holmes & Matt Presto

at QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204
(métro Guy-Concordia)

This is a special QPIRG holiday event to learn more about the organizing efforts associated with Occupy Wall Street in New York City, and to have a community discussion about direct action, horizontalism and mutual aid as key concepts and practices in moving forward to resist capitalism.
-> Free.
-> The venue is wheelchair accessible.
-> Childcare is available on request; please contact us by phone no later than December 27 at noon.
-> Presentations will be in English, with whisper translation available into French.
-> Snacks will be available; bring food to share.

More about the presenters:
-> Marisa Holmes is an anarchist activist and filmmaker based in Brooklyn, NY. She has organized with Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), No Games Chicago, Bibliotheque Popular, US Uncut, and, Occupy Wall Street. At Occupy Wall Street, she has been largely involved with structure, facilitation, and media. She is looking forward to building a global movement in response to the financial crisis.
-> Matt Presto a third grade schoolteacher in Brooklyn. At various points over the past few months of Occupy Wall Street, he was involved with the Legal Team, Facilitation, and the Tactical Committee, and his main involvement now is with Safer Spaces, which does survivor support and anti-oppression work. In addition to OWS, he is also part of NYC Queers Against Israeli Apartheid.
INFO: www.qpirgconcordia.org – 514-848-7585 – info@qpirgconcordia.org