Events at the Ste-Emilie Skillshare (May 2012)

[Here are some upcoming events and announcements by the Ste-Emilie Skillshare, a working group of QPIRG Concordia. For more info about the Ste-Emilie Skillshare, visit:]
May is the Festival of Anarchy:
Darkroom Photography – Wed. May 2nd 1-4pm & Fri. May 4th 1-4pm, PWYC (suggested $15-30)
Learn the basics of how to use the Black and White darkroom studio. Learn how to process your own film, and develop your own prints. Please come with your black and white 35mm film. This workshop is being held twice due to space limitations. Please RSVP for Tuesday or Friday. Max. 5 people in each workshop. RSVP at:
Open Studio – Saturday 5 May, 13h00-18h00
We got all kinds of stuff you can use! No RSVP necessary! Drop in, say hi, check our our zines, use our studios & make some art
Open Studio – Saturday 12 May, 13h00-18h00
We got all kinds of stuff you can use! No RSVP necessary! Drop in, say hi, check our our zines, use our studios & make some art
DIY Vermicomposting Workshop – Sun. May 13th 2-4pm, PWYC (suggested $10-15)
Learn how to build your own vermicomposter for next to nothing. This workshop will cover the ins and outs on how to start up your box, feed and maintain happy worms, and how to harvest your compost to feed your garden organically.
Tabling at the Anarchist Bookfair – Sat. May 19th 10am-5pm & Sun. May 20th 10am-5pm
Come join us at the Anarchist Bookfair. We’ll have zines, posters, and patches available for sale on a PWYC basis.
Screenprinting for the Revolution at the Anarchist Bookfair – Sat. May 19th 1-3pm
Come to this screenprinting crash course and learn how you can use screenprinting as a tool for revolution. We’ll learn about screens, emulsion, image preparation, paper and fabric printing, basic image registration and all the rad projects you and your affinity group can do.
Open Studio – Saturday 26 May, 13h00-18h00
We got all kinds of stuff you can use! No RSVP necessary! Drop in, say hi, check our our zines, use our studios & make some art
Sidetracks Volunteer Training – Sat. May 26th & Sun. May 27th
Sidetracks is a volunteer team of silkscreening super-stars. Sidetracks meets monthly to run Ste. Emilie’s silkscreen studio. They also host community groups and community projects during the week to work with them on silkscreening projects. No experience necessary! Information session on Saturday. Training on Sunday. You must come both days. Please RSVP at
Other Workshops with details TBA soon:
* Sewing Basics
* Drawing
* French Conversation
Ste-Émilie Skillshare & Zine Distro
3942, rue Ste-Émilie (corner/coin St. Augustin)
Montréal, QC, H4C 2A1
*Metro Place-St-Henri*

(Ste-Émilie Skillshare is a working group of QPIRG Concordia/
Ste-Émilie est un groupe de travail de GRIP Concordia)