Introductory Meeting: People’s Commission Network (October 23)

If you want to learn more about immigration security policies
If you want to better understand the issues surrounding repressive measures against activist groups
If you’re wondering to what extent CSIS ruins the lives of hundreds of families
But above all, you want to act collectively against the racist, oppressive agenda of an ultra-conservative government

The People’s Commission Network is looking for people interested in getting involved in its various activities, such as:
– Organizing public assemblies, film screenings, and actions
– Writing, translation, and graphic design
– Organizing workshops, presentations, and information tables for the PCN

We are inviting you to an introductory meeting!
Tuesday October 23, 2012 starting at 6pm at QPIRG CONCORDIA
(1500 de Maisonneuve West, Suite 204. Metro Guy-Concordia)

Snacks, childcare, translation, wheelchair accessible
For more information :
To confirm your attendance:
The People’s Commission Network is a working group of QPIRG Concordia.