Save The Daily!

The Daily Publications Society (DPS) is holding a referendum between January 23 and 31 that will determine the continued existence of The McGill Daily and Le Délit.
The Daily and Le Délit have provided the McGill community with news coverage, investigative journalism, and a platform for commentary and creative work for over 100 years. The Daily and Le Délit are student-run: any McGill student can get involved as a contributor, editor, or director of the Board. Additionally, they hold general meetings each year to give members more opportunity to help shape the organization.
At a school with no journalism program, The Daily and Le Délit provide any interested McGill students with a hands-on experience in researching and reporting stories and producing a newspaper.
Both publications make their continuously-updated content available online and over the radio, in addition to putting out three papers on stands across campus each week.
Le Délit is the only francophone newspaper on the McGill campus, bringing McGill students closer to the surrounding community and strengthening a vital link between McGill and Montreal.
The student media is an important source for critical reporting and creative work on any campus – vote yes for the press! Click this link for more information of their referendum campaign: