(Monday) HERE TO STAY: Sharing Our Struggles Against Gentrification and Displacement

Here to Stay: Sharing Our Struggles Against Gentrification and Displacement
with Movement for Justice in El Barrio (New York City) & the Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network (Montreal)
Monday, November 25, 6:30pm
1455 de Maisonneuve West, room 763 (métro Guy-Concordia)
The building is wheelchair accessible, and childcare and whisper translation will be provided.
Movement for Justice in El Barrio was founded in 2004 by immigrants and low-income people of color of East Harlem to fight for dignity and against neoliberal displacement. A majority- women of color organization, Movement operates on a commitment to self-determination, autonomy, and participatory democracy.
“For Movement for Justice in El Barrio, the struggle for justice means fighting for the liberation of women, immigrants, lesbians, people of color, gays and the transgender community. We all share a common enemy and it’s called neoliberalism. Neoliberalism wishes to divide us and keep us from combining our forces. We will defeat this by continuing to unite our entire community until we achieve true liberation for all.” – Movement for Justice in El Barrio
MJB will be sharing about their struggle to fight against landlords, corporate interests and the politicians who support them as they attempt to displace people from their homes and gentrify our communities.
They will be joined by the Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network. UACSN is a coalition of Aboriginal service providers, urban Aboriginal people, and allies in the Montreal area. Homelessness and inadequate housing are among the Network’s core concerns, and it has been centrally involved in contesting and reshaping the City’s proposed redevelopment of the area surrounding Cabot Square.
¡El Barrio No Se Vende! ¡Se Ama y Se Defiende!
This event is co-sponsored by QPIRG Concordia & QPIRG McGill, with the support of: GeoGrads (Concordia), GUSS (Geography Undergraduate Student Society at Concordia), Urban Planning Association (UPA), the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Queer McGill, Union for Gender Empowerment (UGE), Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE). info: www.qpirgconcordia.org