Resist Trump! A Community Meeting (Thursday 4pm)

Resist Trump:! A Community Meeting
Thursday, November 10, 4pm-6pm
at QPIRG Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve West, #204 (métro Guy-Concordia)

Space is accessible to people using wheelchairs.
Get in touch about any accessibility needs.
We are organizing this space both the debrief the implications of the recent US Election, and to talk about future organizing efforts, as members of the Concordia campus-community. Our community, rooted in a commitment to social justice and anti-oppression, is genuinely shocked, angered and concerned by the Trump election and what the future holds.
QPIRG Concordia, as a social justice organization, actively opposes and resists the declared policy positions of Trump, from Muslim bans to border walls. Our working groups, projects and initiatives are actively involved in resisting the racism, sexism and far-right politics that Donald Trump represents.
We encourage both campus and community members to attend this community meeting, to share thoughts, to vent, but also to discuss tangible organizing efforts, short-term and long-term, against the politics represented by Trump, and in solidarity with USA and USA-Mexico border-area organizers and activists.
This event will not be a one-time occasion, but a starting point for the social justice community around Concordia to discuss, support each other, and get organized for the future!