Open the Borders! Anti-Fascist Contingent for May Day

When: Monday May 1st, 5PM
Where: Frontenac metro
What: In the face of xenophobia and the growth of the far right, we need a people’s response. Our class does not recognize states or borders. Solidarity with all workers, no matter what their status.
This autonomous contingent celebrates the immigrant, anarchist, working class history of May Day, commemorating the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago, and ongoing struggles, particularly immigrant working class struggles, for justice and dignity. We oppose deportations and detentions, and we call for Open Borders.
This autonomous contingent is supported by: RASH Montreal, Jeune Garde, The Resist Trump and the Far Right Network, Solidarity Across Borders and Montreal Sisterhood (more to come). All those who share our anti-fascist and anti-racist values are welcome to join this contingent.
Facebook event: