QPIRG Concordia Research Stipends

This year (2019)  QPIRG Concordia was able to provide a research stipend to RAMP: Realize an Accessible Montreal Project. Their project is described here:
RAMP: Realize an Accessible Montreal Project is a set of filmed interviews with people who face barriers to accessibility. Freelance journalist Reisa Stone, herself disabled, will also photograph visible barriers. She is creating a website featuring the stories of people on a broad spectrum of disability, along with a central resource directory. Reisa arrived in our beautiful city only to find herself in crisis due to multiple barriers—from transport to education to housing. She reached out to disability advocacy and women’s groups, who responded with vigor. Between the Canadian and Quebec Charters of Rights and lived experience, Montrealers with disabilities are collaborating to define what true accessibility would look like.


  • 2012: Gentrify This! A Student’s Guide to Understanding and Resisting Gentrification (read the zine online HERE)

  • 2011: Queers Made This: A Visual Archive of Radical Queer Organising in Montreal, 2005-2010 by members of Qteam

  • 2009: Convergence, a journal of undergraduate and community research

  • 2008: Vélo! Vélo!, a conference about and for bicycle collectives in the Greater Montreal Area