Political Prisoners and Prison Solidarity Work in North America, History and Current Context

Brought to you by Certain Days & Kersplebedeb Publishing

When: Wednesday, January 19, 6:30pm
Where: QPIRG Concordia 1500 de Maisonneuve West, metro Guy-Concordia

Free. Venue is wheelchair accessible.
Traduction chuchotée vers le français.

Depending on your definition, there are dozens or hundreds or thousands of political prisoners and prisoners of war held by the United States government. This talk will focus on political prisoners and prisoners of war who came out of the revolutionary movements from the 1960s to today, including the national liberation movements, the armed struggle, white anti-imperialists and, more recently, the Green Scare defendants.

Topics will include the relationship of the prisoners to our own struggles today, the varying definitions of “who is a political prisoner”, and a look back at some of the support work that was being done in the 80s and 90s, especially in Canada. Certain specific cases will also be discussed, for instance Assata Shakur, Leonard Peltier, Marilyn Buck and Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson, as well as the recent strike by prisoners in Georgia.

The talk will be given by Karl of Kersplebedeb Publishing, followed by discussion.

Kersplebedeb Publishing has published several books and pamphlets by and about political prisoners, and has just published “Defying The Tomb,” a book by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter.

INFO: www.kersplebedeb.com

The Certain Days Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between organizers in Montreal and Toronto, and three New York state Political Prisoners: Herman Bell, David Gilbert and Robert Seth Hayes, and is a working group of QPIRG Concordia.

INFO: 514-848-7583

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