Israeli Apartheid Week (March 8-15)

“BDS on Campus: From Education to Action”

A week of conferences, workshops, film screenings, demonstrations, and cultural events to raise awareness around the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid.
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-All speaking events and workshops will have whisper translation from English to French
-Entry to the events is by donation (pay what you can) unless otherwise noted
-All events are wheelchair accessible unless otherwise noted
-Childcare is available for most events. Please email us 48 hours in advace at
(This is a preliminary event calendar. Full event details will be updated at
* Tuesday, March 8
Demonstration: Solidarity with Palestinian Women! BDS contingent in the International Women’s Day march

6pm, Cabot Square (corner of Atwater and Ste-Catherine)
Look for the contingent with Palestinian flags and the BDS banner. Bring your own flags, signs, and noisemakers!
* Ongoing, March 7-11
Exhibition: Palestine, People, and History
Concordia University, Library Building Atrium, 1400 de Maisonneuve west
The exhibition will encompass Palestine’s history and culture. Life in Palestine will be presented dating from pre-1948 to current life under Apartheid. A comprehensive presentation to help one understand the current situation and how one can help.
A space will be dedicated to run documentary films with scheduled times, schedule TBA.
* Wednesday, March 9
Keynote Speaker: Ali Abunimah (journalist and author, founder of Electronic Intifada)
“One Country: A Bold Proposal to end the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”

McGill University, Bronfman building, 1001 Sherbrooke west, room 151
* Thursday, March 10
Panel discussion: From Revolt to Change: Are the cases of Egypt and Tunisia a first step towards justice and self-determination in the region?

Speakers: Rachad Antonius, Harun Bouazzi
UQAM (exact details to come)
* Sunday, March 13
Concert: Artists Against Apartheid
Featuring: Fabrice Koffy, Kaie Kellough, The Narcicyst, Remi Kanazi, Jason ‘Blackbird’ Selman, Meryem Saci / Nantali Indongo

Location and other details TBA
* Monday, March 14
Workshop: Canadian Campaign Against the Racist Jewish National Fund (JNF)

Presented by Independent Jewish Voices – Montreal
Location TBA
* Monday, March 14
Film Screening with Cinema Politica: “This Palestinian Life” and “Israel vs. Israel”
Two documentary films focused on Palestinian and Israeli resistance to apartheid policies

Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve west, room H-110
* Tuesday, March 15
Closing Panel: “Decolonization Begins at Home – Indigenous Resistance to Colonialism in Canada and Palestine”

Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve west, room H-110
Clifton Nicholas – Mohawk activist from Kanehsatake involved in current anti-mining struggles
Audrey Redman – Journalist, writer, and residential school survivor
Clayton Thomas-Muller – Indigenous Environmental Network campaigner against the Alberta Tar Sands
Once again this year, Montreal will join over 40 cities worldwide to mark the 7th annual Israeli Apartheid Week. The theme of this year’s IAW is “BDS on Campus: From Education to Action”. While the BDS campaign has made incredible strides worldwide since the initial call to action in 2005, it is clear that the road ahead is a long one. Yet the incredible popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have shown the world that justice and freedom are well within reach if the people will it. As we strive for a free Palestine and social justice for all in the Middle-East, we will evaluate concretely what steps need to be taken to build more solidarity on our campuses.
Israeli Apartheid Week is organized by the following groups: Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (McGill and Concordia), Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG McGill and Concordia), Tadamon, 2110 Centre, and the Coalition for Justice in Palestine- UQAM
Free free Palestine!