QPIRG Concordia’s Resource Library & Poster Archive

Learn more and get involved!

QPIRG-Concordia wants to let you know about some of the ways you can get involved with our library and poster archive! The library contains hundreds of radical and progressive books, zines and videos. The poster archive represents a growing history of local grassroots struggle. Here are some of the ways you can access these collections, and help make them flourish:
>>Become a member<<
If you’re not already a member of the library, stop by QPIRG Concordia during our regular office hours (Monday-Thursday, 12-6pm) and ask David – our new resource library and poster archives coordinator – or one of the other QPIRG staff, and we’ll get you signed up.
>>Browse the collection online<<
QPIRG-Concordia is part of the Alternative Libraries network, a database that brings together the resources of local groups dedicated to anti-oppression, advocacy, and social-environmental justice.
To search the holdings of our library, as well as the resources of QPIRG McGill and other alternative librairies, visit http://alternativelibraries.org.
>> Check out the poster archives<<
We have gathered together hundreds of posters made by activists, in order to preserve these ephemeral symbols of grassroots resistance. You can see some of the posters at https://qpirgconcordia.org/posterarchive, or stop by QPIRG to check out the originals.
>>Volunteer with the library & archives<<
A few ways to get involved as a volunteer:
-work with the library committee to find gaps in the collection and research new materials for purchase
-review materials both new and old for campus and community media and for our blog (https://qpirgconcordia.org/librarycirculation/)
-help organize upcoming Author Series events (see post for the last event, Feminism FOR REAL here: https://qpirgconcordia.org/librarycirculation/?p=190)
-research materials for our bibliography series
-catalogue new materials and help with other support work that makes the library tick
-organize and digitize the poster archive
We also welcome your ideas about how to make these collections thrive.  If you want to get involved, contact David – our new library/archives coordinator – by email: library@qpirgconcordia.org. You can also stop by to meet with David on Mondays, Wednesday and Thursdays, between noon and 6PM, or talk to the staff any time during office hours between Monday-Thursday, 12-6pm.

QPIRG CONCORDIA: Community – Research – Resistance