Consider being a Working Group of QPIRG Concordia! (deadline: Sept 30)

– Are you part of a grassroots group that organizes around a specific issue, idea, project or campaign?
– Consider being a Working Group of QPIRG Concordia!

– Deadline for applications is September 30, 2011 at 6pm.
– Any questions? Contact: or 514-848-7585
– More info below.

The Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at Concordia is a social and environmental justice center, making campus-community links for social change. We strive to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental isues, rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice.
What is a Working Group?

Working Groups are the heart of QPIRG Concordia. They are groups of volunteers who want to organize around a specific issue, idea, project or campaign. Working Groups usually organize around ongoing or long-term issues, though some focus on a particular theme or short-term topic. Working groups can be comprised of both students and community members. Our current Working Groups organize on a wide variety of issues ranging from anti-war organizing to prison justice, from art skillsharing to immigrant rights, from international solidarity to independent media.  This year’s Working Groups, and previous Working Groups, are listed below.
How does QPIRG Concordia support a Working Group?
By becoming a Working Group, you are able to access QPIRG Concordia for administrative and staff support, as well as office space and resources. QPIRG resources available to Working Groups include: a budget; access to photocopying, fax and phone; computer and internet access; access to the QPIRG space for meetings; access to other resources such as megaphones, bike trailer, projector, childcare materials, stationery, paint supplies and more. QPIRG can also help your Working Group with grants, as well as to make links to organizing on campus and in the community.
Want to know more?
Check out the online version of our inaugural working groups journal: AT THE HEART OF RESISTANCE!
How to become a Working Group?
If you agree with QPIRG’s mandate (included below) and want support for your group, consider becoming a QPIRG Concordia working group. The application process is straightforward:
1) If you’re not aware of QPIRG Concordia already, get to know us by visiting our website – — or coming by our space during office hours.
2) Download the Working Group Application Form & Working Groups Reciprocity Agreement. READ the Reciprocity Agreement, and READ & COMPLETE the Application Form.
-> The Working Groups Application Form is available for download here: Working Groups Application Form
-> The Working Groups Reciprocity Agreement is available for download here: Reciprocity Agreement
3) At any point, don’t hesitate to contact our Working Groups Coordinator with any questions: or 514-848-7585
Deadline for applications is September 30, 2011, before 6pm. Please send your application by e-mail to

The QPIRG Concordia Mandate:
The Quebec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia is a resource centre for student and community research and organizing.  We strive to raise awareness and support grassroots activism around diverse social and environmental justice issues.  Our work is rooted in an anti-oppression analysis and practice.  We seek to make campus-community links and inspire social change through engaging, inclusive and non-hierarchical approaches.
QPIRG Concordia is committed to being inclusive and accessible to all. We are actively opposed to all forms of discrimination and oppression.  QPIRG is a volunteer-driven, student-funded, non-profit organization that is independent from the Concordia administration and student union.  Both students and community members are welcome to make use of our space and resources as well as participate in QPIRG projects.
Current (2010-11) QPIRG Concordia Working Groups:
  • Anarchist Tech Support/Anarchistes pour des technologies solidaires
  • Centre Sociale Autogéré/Autonomous Social Center
  • Certain Days Political Prisoner Calendar Committee
  • Collectif Opposé à la brutalité policière (COBP)
  • Comité soutien Dany Villanueva/Dany Villanueva support committee
  • Dignidad Migrante
  • L’ecole libre radicale/rad school
  • End Exploitation
  • Ethnoculture
  • Free Education Montreal
  • Haiti Action Montreal
  • Indigenous Solidarity Committee
  • Justice Pour les Victimes de Bavures Policières
  • Montreal Anarchist Bookfair
  • Montreal Childcare Collective
  • Montreal Sound Team/Équipe Sonore
  • Not In Our Name – Concordia
  • Open Door Books
  • Parc X Citizens’ Committee
  • People’s Commission Network
  • Prisoner Correspondence Project
  • Project X
  • Qteam
  • Radical Reference
  • Re-Con
  • Résovélo
  • Right to Move/La Voie Libre
  • Solidarity Across Borders
  • Ste-Emilie Skillshare
  • TAPthirst

Some Recent Working Groups of QPIRG-Concordia:

  • Alcan’t in India
  • Anarchist Reading Circle
  • Block the Empire Montreal
  • Brown Birthing Network
  • Colours of Resistance Montreal
  • Committee to Support Kader Belaouni
  • Common Front
  • Countershot
  • Ici La Otra
  • Independent Media Center (IMC-Montreal)
  • Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM)
  • Initiative de Vidéo Stratégique
  • International Solidarity Movement (ISM)
  • Kanehsatake Garden Project
  • LCP (Live-in Caregiver Program) Focus Group
  • Mad Autonomous Solidarity Collective (MASC)
  • Mexico-Montreal
  • Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC)
  • Political Prisoner Solidarity Project
  • SNAP! Moving to Our Own Beats
  • Tadamon! Montreal
  • Women in Gear/Les Dérailleuses
  • W.O.R.D. (Writing Our Rhymes Down)
  • and many many others!

Groups and projects that evolved from QPIRG-Concordia:

  • Right to Move
  • Popular Film Series (evolved into Cinema Politica)
  • Urgence Manif
  • Sustainable Concordia
  • Blood Sisters
  • Un Juste Café
  • Santropol Roulant
  • Concordia Recycling and Composting Committee
  • Vegan Lunch Program (became People’s Potato)
  • Project Take Root (evolved into Frigo Vert)
  • Action Rebut
  • ASEED (became Equiterre)
  • and others!

-> At any point, don’t hesitate to contact our Working Groups Coordinator with any questions: or 514-848-7585
-> The deadline for applications is September 30, 2011 before 6pm. Please send your application by e-mail to

Current (2010-11) QPIRG Concordia Working Groups: