QPIRG Publications: Convergence | School Schmool | At the Heart of Resistance

We are highlighting three publications released by QPIRG Concordia in the past few months. All publications are available at QPIRG Concordia, and also viewable online.

Convergence: a journal of undergraduate and community research

The second edition of Convergence has just been printed and released. It includes articles, research, analysis & artwork from community members and undergraduates, highlighting presentations from Study In Action and the Community-University Research Exchange (CURE).
-> Learn more about Convergence here: http://convergencejournal.ca
Convergence is a joint project of QPIRG Concordia & QPIRG McGill.

School Schmool: activist day planner & radical guide

Engaging articles, resources and practical tools for students and non-students alike to participate in social and environmental justice activism, as well as a useful day planner to organize busy academic and activist schedules.
-> Learn more about School Schmool here: http://schoolschmool.qpirgmcgill.org/
-> You can view School Schmool ONLINE here: http://issuu.com/school.schmool/docs/schoolschmool

School Schmool is a joint project of QPIRG McGill & QPIRG Concordia.

At the Heart of Resistance: QPIRG Concordia’s Working Groups Journal (2010-2011)

Working groups are the heart of QPIRG Concordia; they are close to thirty groups, collectives, networks, projects, and campaigns that organize together in the Montreal community, and beyond, on a wide variety of issues directly related to social and environmental justice. At the Heart of Resistance shows the multifold ways in which our working groups make links between different struggles against oppression and exploitation.
-> You can view At the Heart of Resistance ONLINE here: http://issuu.com/qpirgconcordia/docs/wgjournal2011