HARPER MUTINY II! A People’s Assembly

HARPER MUTINY II! A People’s Assembly
TUESDAY, November 1st, 6pm
@ QPIRG Concordia (1500 de Maisonneuve, #204)
(métro Guy-Concordia, wheelchair accessible)
drinks and snacks – please get in touch with childcare needs

The Stephen Harper Conservatives have secured a majority government for the next four years. The coming years of austerity, cutbacks and regressive social policies will be a huge challenge for social and environmental justice movements.
Students and community members at Concordia University gathered in September to begin to analyze and understand various policies of the Conservative government affecting privacy, the internet, education & accessibility, immigrant rights, national security, crime and prisons, the environment, the economy and more.
At this follow-up “Harper Mutiny” discussion and teach-in, we’ll continue our understanding and analysis of the Conservative government’s policies, and begin to talk about taking action. We’ve invited local groups who are resisting the Conservative Party agenda, and we’ll discuss complementary efforts on campus and in the community.
Let’s build resistance together!